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Closet Forums > Rants and Raves > people are idiots
strata made me very sad. almost to the point where i wanted to start crying. i dont think he meant any harm. i hope not. i guess im just a bit touchy when it comes to my situation. i think i handled it well though. i could have been very rude in my responses to his actions, but i wasnt.

[18:05] <Fatso913> sin your forums are amazing
[18:05] <sin> thanks.
[18:05] <sin> it was a community effort.
[18:05] <Fatso913> look at mine
[18:05] <Fatso913> i wish i can edit mine like that
[18:05] <sin> oh oh! you went pink!
[18:05] <Strata> lol
[18:05] <sin> Fatso913, mine is simply a skin. thats all. nothing special.
[18:05] <Strata> yeah its a good cuase
[18:06] <sin> i appreciate it Fatso913.
[18:06] <sin> since i already have cancer in one place, because of the nature of it, i have an 80% chance of getting breast cancer as well.
[18:06] <sin> i appreciate your efforts for the cause.
[18:07] <Strata> how old are you sin
[18:07] <sin> ill be 25 in january.
[18:07] <Strata> cool
[18:07] <sin> i was diagnosed at 19
[18:07] <Strata> lol
[18:07] * Quits: mandy ( (Connection reset by peer)
[18:07] <Fatso913> thats terrible
[18:07] * Joins: mandy (
[18:07] * ChanBot sets mode: +o mandy
[18:08] <Strata> you seen my site
[18:08] <sin> apparently id had it for a few years before being diagnosed. all the symptoms started when i was about 14.
[18:08] <sin> its a very painful way to live.
[18:08] <Strata> lol
[18:08] <sin> Strata, what's funny?
[18:09] <Strata> your ailment
[18:09] <sin> cancer is anything but funny.
[18:09] <sin> i hope you never get it.
[18:09] <Strata> oh sorry
[18:09] <sin> i wouldnt wish it upon anyone.
[18:09] <Strata> i didnt see that
[18:09] <sin> read closer next time.
[18:10] <Strata> sure thing bro
[18:10] <sin> <---not a male
[18:10] <Ryan> uh oh...
[18:10] <sin> <---no penis
[18:10] <sin> therefore:
[18:10] <sin> <---not a bro
[18:10] <Strata> oh
[18:10] <sin> males cant get what i have.
[18:10] <sin> they dont have the right parts.
[18:10] <Strata> true
[18:11] <sin> and most males dont get breast cancer, though it isnt impossible.
[18:11] <Strata> anyway i apolgize to you i thought you were making a joke bout being immature
[18:11] <sin> no.
[18:11] * Quits: Jeff ( (Ping timeout)
[18:12] <sin> its ok, just read better next time.
[18:12] <sin> to clear things up:
[18:12] <Strata> k
[18:13] * Joins: Jeff (
[18:13] * ChanBot sets mode: +ao Jeff Jeff
[18:13] <sin> im a 24 year old female. i was diagnosed with endometrial (uterine) cancer at 19. i started experiencing the symptoms at 14. i have an 80% chance of getting breast cancer. i cannot have children.
[18:13] <sin> you can call me nic.
[18:14] <sin> any other questions, comments, Strata?
[18:18] * Quits: Fatso913 ( (Ping timeout)
[18:19] <sin> i guess not.

note that i waited for five minutes and still got no response.
I dislike it when people joke about cancer, inadvertantly or purposely... My father died of liver, lung and stomach cancer. My mother had breast cancer, and skin cancer, thankfully both of which were benign. I wonder what causes our cells to multiply like rabbits. What unrestricts the mitosis and allows the cells inadvertantly kill themselves and the body they are apart of. Do they just one day go crazy? Is it some inherit flaw in our genetic makeup? Is it a genetic flaw to keep us from mutating to the point of becoming seemingly immortal.
Thats horrible, note: i want pink for a good cause and i will continue to do it until my site goes down!
on the behalf of my sex i am sorry about what strata did.

-Sincerely, Mike
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